Lottery Losers

Richie’s Randazzo’s counterpart

Remember Richie Randazzo?  He’s the guy that used to work as a doorman in New York City – until he won the lottery, kept his job, got a little lazy about showing up, and got fired.

Ray Otero can’t stand to hear that story.

Otero is the building superintendent at an apartment complex across the street from where Randazzo used to work.  Randazzo, the guy that won, hardly spent any money on lottery tickets.  Otero, on the other hand, spends $500 to $700 per week.  And he is still a loser.

Otero says that working a regular job is “a sucker’s game” and hopes that the lottery will give him the entry into an easier life for him and his family.  He did win a couple thousand dollars once – but guess what he spent that money on.  You guessed it, more tickets.

He doesn’t see his gambling as a disease or an addiction.  “It’s destiny”, he says.

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